Since assessment of student performance is an integral component of the teaching and learning process, teachers ought to be knowledgeable of the principles and techniques of educational measurement and evaluation. It is imperative, therefore, that teachers should possess the ability to construct appropriate and valid measuring instruments from which data descriptive of students’ behaviour are obtained. They should be able also to analyse and interpret the data collected, in order to assist in the effective assessment of the quality of primary and secondary education that the nation delivers to its citizens and to participate meaningfully in the decision-making processes at these levels.

As a result, this course aims to provide students with

−      a sound theoretical knowledge base to inform the application of systematic planning and implementation of educational measurement and evaluation in the classroom;

−      the appropriate skills so that they can be able to construct appropriate measuring instruments to determine the quality of student performances in the cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains;                       

−      information on the nature of psychological measurement and the importance of its administration in the assessment process; 

−      the requisite knowledge so that they can describe and represent data in various forms so as to facilitate professional analyses and interpretations of students’ behaviours; and

−      the requisite experience so that they can improve on current evaluation practices employed in the classroom.