The tasks of today’s school administrators are many and varied.  With the changing times, issues that currently confront the school administrator include: an aggressive and often unmotivated school population (students and teachers), teacher attrition, a curriculum constantly under siege, increasing demands emanating from both parents and community, accountability issues, political expectations, calls for increased access to quality education, troubling work ethic among workers, insufficient financial resources, aware of, and be sensitive to, current research, developments, and strategies that relate to the field of educational administration and management, if they are to perform their duties successfully.  The present course, therefore, is intended to explore the implication of the issues raised above, consider possible responses and measures, and offer further assistance and guidance to school administrators at all levels so that they may become more effective and successful in their management and administrative responsibilities.

This course aims to provide more competent, effective and responsible administrators for educational institutions in Guyana, to examine and evaluate current, as well as previous research, theory and practice in the field of School Administration and Management and to expose participants to current supervisory practices in educational institutions.